Employer Identification Number (EIN) For IRAs
Let us assist you with establishing a unique EIN for your self-directed IRA to meet situational needs that may arise within your investment journey.
Equity Doc Prep can assist you with creating a unique EIN for your IRA
As a standard practice, your custodian supplies the custodial EIN upon setup of a new IRA. This EIN is sufficient for all investment types except those that report UBTI (Unrelated Business Taxable Income).
Why would my IRA need a unique EIN?
1. The IRS requires a unique EIN to report the presence of UBTI. You must obtain a separate EIN to file IRS Form 990T.
The following investment types may generate UBTI:
- Debt-financed property purchased within an IRA
- Leveraging assets within an IRA
- Investments into LLCs or LPs that operate a business
2. Investments into funds (LLC or LP) that report UBTI now necessitate a unique EIN, regardless of whether you file a 990-T.