About Equity Doc Prep

Did you recently open a Real Estate Checkbook IRA? Set up your new LLC.

Equity Doc Prep is an Equity Trust in-house service to set up your new LLC designed to own and manage real estate investments. We ensure all paperwork is completed and filed correctly and that your new business complies with state and federal regulations. You can expect an easy and seamless process with personalized service from start to finish. 

How to Set Up an Equity Trust Real Estate Checkbook IRA LLC

Don’t have a Real Estate Checkbook IRA LLC with Equity Trust? No problem. Click here to open an account.


Open and Fund Your Self-Directed IRA

Open your chosen account type at Equity Trust and fund it with a rollover, transfer, or contribution.


Form a New Limited Liability Company (LLC)

This is where Equity Doc Prep comes in! We'll set up your new LLC designed to own and manage real estate investments.


Open a Business Checking Account

Set up a business checking account in the name of your new LLC. Our state-of-the-art integration with a specialized bank makes it easy.


Transfer Funds to Your IRA-Owned LLC Bank Account 

Direct Equity Trust to transfer your IRA funds to your newly opened business checking account.


Invest and Manage Your Real Estate Investments

Use the funds in your LLC’s bank account to purchase properties and manage investment-related expenses.

LLC Set Up

With a Real Estate Checkbook IRA, you must form a new LLC with your IRA as the member. 

Equity Doc Prep will help you do that.

Who We Serve:


   You have a Real Estate Checkbook IRA LLC with Equity Trust

   You have a Checkbook IRA with another custodian

   You want to open a Checkbook IRA

   You want to establish an LLC for other purposes

   You need additional business services

Who we serve